최근 검색어 전체 삭제
生活科學硏究 第32輯.jpg

로마(Rome) 시대의 갈레노스(Galenos, C.)와 후한(後漢) 시대의 장중경(張仲景)의 건강학적 성과 고찰

Review of Health Scientific Achievement of Rome’s Claudius Galenos and Later Han’s Zhongjing Zhang

  • 13

In this article, the literature on the health and philosophical characteristics and achievements of Claudius Galenos(Galenos) of Rome and Zhongjing Zhang(Zhang) of the late Han Dynasty of China, who were active as doctors at about the same time were reviewed and compared. Galenos believed in the theory of humors and argued that if the flow of the four body fluids is not smooth, diseases can occur and cannot be healthy. Galenos linked the results of animal anatomy to the human body and described it as playing an important role in health science. Galenos treated cataracts in a similar way to modern medicine. Galenos used bloodletting to extract blood from patients, treat diseases, and used dietary therapy to treat patients' diseases. Galenos used natural herbs for pharmacological research and treatment. Galenos wrote about 400 prescriptions and treatises as Corpus Medicorum Graecorum. Galenos, as a philosopher, valued his philosophical thoughts and tried to help with the development of medical technology and the treatment of diseases. Zhang compiled his folk remedies and his own medical experiences and published a book called Shanghan Lun. This book deals with fever diseases caused by the intrusion of cold energy or bad energy from the outside into the body, and covers herbal medicines and many prescriptions. Zhang's pharmacology explained in detail about 156 kinds of drugs included in the book known as Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Coffer(Shanghan Jingui Collection of Prescriptions). Zhang emphasized the prevention of disease, identified the cause of the disease, found a way to deal with it, prescribed it, and practicedas an important guideline for diet, typhoid, and fever. The theory of Sanghan Lun also describes the causes and prescriptions for mental diseases, so it is thought that it can be used in modern medicine.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 갈레노스의 생애와 건강학적 성과

Ⅲ. 장중경의 생애와 건강학적 성과

Ⅳ. 갈레노스와 장중경의 건강학적 특성 비교

Ⅴ. 요약 및 결론

