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도암만 사내호 방류에 의한 담수 확산범위 예측에 관한 연구

A study on prediction of freshwater diffusion by water discharge from Sanae reservoir in Doam bay

DOI : 10.33214/kees.2022.9.1.47
  • 9

To estimation of effect by water discharge from Sanae reservoir in Doam bay, we were conducted to field survey and numerical simulation. In field sequence survey, physical effects by water discharge from Sanae reservoir appeared clearly at discharge early, and decreased greatly since 2 tidal period. Flow pattern of flood tide to calculated by hydrodynamic model was appeared to inflow through two channel, Maryang~Gogeumdo and Wando~Gogeumdo. Flow pattern of ebb tide showed reverse pattern to flood tide. The residual current, which were obtained by intergrating the simulated tidal currents over 1 tidal cycle, showed more than 10cm/sec at interval sea of Maryang and Gogeumdo. And the front sea of Sanae reservoir appeared fewer than 5 cm/sec. The range of salinity decrease by numerical simulation appeared extensively when ebb tide than flood tide. When water discharge increased 30% of total reservoir capacity, freshwater Diffusion area was shown to inner area in Doam bay. And when water discharge increased 50%, effect area extended to Maryang sea area.

1. 서론

2. 연구방법

3. 결과 및 고찰

4. 결론

