조선총독부 발행 『조선교육요람』영문번역판에 나타난 일제의 식민교육방침
Analysis of Japanese Colonial Education Policy hidden in English Texts: Comparison between Manual of Education of Koreans (1913) and Manual of Education in Chosen (1920)
Japan published various English texts to promote the successful rule of its colonies and to maintain approval from Western powers of its legitimacy in occupying them. For example, in order to claim that the Korean education system improved and developed under its rule, the Japanese Government-General of Korea published Manual of Education of Koreans (1913) and Manual of Education in Chosen (1920). The latter is superior in quantity and quality compared to the former, giving the impression that the Korean education system was improving and was well managed during Japanese rule. However, analyzing the two manuals shows that the Japanese education policy for colonial Korea focused on (i) expanding ‘common’ low-level basic education, (ii) ‘controlling’ private schools closely associated with the independence movement, and (iii) ‘controlling’ Koreans both in Korea and Japan.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 조선총독부 발행 영문텍스트의 기능과 종류
Ⅲ. 영문 <조선교육요람> 비교 분석
Ⅳ. 토론
Ⅴ. 결론