최근 검색어 전체 삭제
中國學 第81輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널


On the Modernization Transformation of Nature and Conscience in FENG Meng-Long‘s Sanyan

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2022.81.81.13
  • 23


As a monumental collection of vernacular short stories in the history of Chinese literature, Sanyan expresses the social life and people's thoughts and emotions during the process of modernization transformation in an eclectic and diverse manner in China in the late Ming Dynasty; the world described in it contains the natural love for sex, the unbearable heart from the bottom of people‘s heart, the sincere heart that is loyal to the heart, the frank heart while facing the cruel reality, and the equal heart which goes beyond dignity; Ordinary people begin not to blindly follow the rules of law and ethics, but to use their simple “conscience” to tell right from wrong, good from evil, beauty from ugliness. The awakening of this kind of subject consciousness has the significance of modern spirits with distinct features of subjectivity, individuality, secularization, equality consciousness, budding democracy, simple and fraternal love. These features not only witness the historical trend of the late Ming society transforming into modern times, but also confirms the internal nature of China's modernization transformation, and its national characteristics of moderation, harmony and flexibility with rich and vivid literary texts. While Feng Meng-Long, in his short stories Sanyan, creates a world of the subjectivity space opened by Wang Yang-Ming’s philosophy of “mind as truth” and “to conscience”; and brings, with “emotional education” and “popularity”, the world new values of the new citizens, and a new way to experience the “feeling” of individual life; and therefore transforms people's ideas and concepts from the bottom up and promotes the renewal of the cultural soil.

1. 绪论

2. “三言”成书的近代化转变语境

3. “三言”中自然良知的世情风貌

4. “三言”中自然良知的近代性解读

5. 结论
