최근 검색어 전체 삭제
中國學 第81輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널


The Thinking towards a Global Identity : A Study on Movie 『Jang-gae』

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2022.81.81.15
  • 17


『Jang-gae』(The Foreigner) is a film written and directed by a Korean-Chinese director that stars an actual Korea-Chinese as the protagonist. The release of this film presented an opportunity for the Korean-Chinese community to deliver their message through the screen. The end of the movie is a “happy ending” in which the main character escapes the sadness of his ailing father’s death and finds love. However, the film leaves us with a “great structural challenge” by bringing up long-standing issues of identity and struggle faced by the Korean-Chinese individual whose identity is much like a “double-edged sword” that warmly embraces “us” while wounding “others.” In the globalized scenarios of recent times several people may experience the strong need to raise questions about the global economy and politics along with their sense of value and belonging. Should groups of human beings be categorized based on their traditions that may be unintentionally inherited from the community they belonged to? A new identity model that is more suited to this era: a kind of “global identity” would go beyond the boundaries of nationality, culture, and community. Humanity is inherently varied and pluralistic and multiple identities ought to be respected for their individuality and freedom of choice.

1. 绪论:关于电影『酱狗』

2. 身份认同:一把“双刃剑”

3. 国际孤儿:那些被关闭的“大门”

4. 结论:对世界性身份认同的思考
