이 글은 ‘사회정서학습(Social Emotional Learning)’의 문학교육적 의미를 고찰하는 데 목적이 있다. 사회정서학습은 정서지능과 사회지능의 이론적 성과를 토대로 구성된 학습활동으로서 북미를 비롯하여 선진국을 중심으로 활발히 논의되고 있는 프로그램이다. 최근 OECD에서는 미래사회의 인재를 양성하기 위한 핵심역량으로 사회정서역량(social emotional competencies)을 제안하였다. 사회정서역량은 사회정서학습의 성과로부터 추출되었으며, 자기인식, 자기관리, 관계관리, 사회인식, 책임있는 의사결정을 하위 교육 요소로 삼고 있다. 문학교육과의 연관성을 살피기 위하여 사회정서학습의 대표적인 프로그램인 ‘창의적 갈등 해결 프로그램’(Resolving Conflict Creatively Program)’과 ‘생각하고 느끼며 행동하기 프로그램(Thinking Feeling Behaving Program)’의 교육내용을 고찰하였다. 사회정서학습은 핵심역량을 중심으로 구성된 문학교육의 실현태로서 의의가 있다.
This article suggested that Social Emotional Learning(SEL) can be a meaningful method for literature Instruction which can help students literature text understanding deeply and apply to their real world. SEL is intended to foster the individual student’s understanding of their emotion and social relationship. Taking the activities of SEL students build their sensibility and life skills to daily events. Golman called these skills social emotional competencies. Social emotional competencies are epidemic issues in educational field in advanced countries. According to SEL theory and program I could find out the meaning of SEL to literature education. SEL based on Dewey’s concept of ‘whole child’ and 1960’ American educational movement of ''effective educational movement. It means to induce the teaching and learning methods of SEL could utilize for literature education. Literature education is about knowledge of literature works, literature conventions and understanding human feeling and life. Literature education is most worth as students understand themselves and others. However literature education does not have teaching approach to it. Therefore SEL could give some suggestion to hands-on approach to literature education. First of all, SEL approach shows how to share their emotion and how to get together among people. Students need semantic configuration and interpreting strategies to experience literature works by engagement, anticipation and retrospection retrospective thinking process which takes place in the reader’s head.
1. 들어가는 말
2. 사회정서학습(SEL)의 개념과 내용
3. 사회정서학습 프로그램의 사례와 문학교육적 특성
4. 사회정서학습의 문학교육적 의의
5. 맺음말