이글의 목적은 허난설헌의 삶과 문학이 어린이 책에 어떻게 전승되고 있는지 형상화된 인물과 구성을 중심으로 살피는 것이다. 어린이 책에서 「광한전백옥루상량문」의 작시 나이는 두 견해로 나뉘어 전승되고 있다. 일부 책은 8세에 글을 지었다는 설을 수용하고 일부는 어른이 된 후 생애 마지막에 지은 것으로 전승하고 있다. 즉 8세 작시설과 27세 작시 설에 따라 인물이야기의 전기적 사실이 달라지고 있었다. 시의 해석에도 차이가 있는데, 허난설헌의 천재성을 부각하는 책에서는 8세설을 수용하고 있었으며, 생의 마지막에 지은 것으로 본 견해는 허난설헌이 자신을 위로하기 위해 지은 것으로 서술하고 있다. 허난설헌의 일화는 허난설헌이 자기 주도적이고, 대범하며 자의식이 강한 인물로 나타난다. 그러나 어린이 책에 나타난 허난설헌 상은 순종적이며 나약한 모습의 현모양처 상과 여성주의 관점에서 시대에 불화하는 상으로 나타났다. 이러한 허난설헌의 상은 오늘날의 시각으로 조선 시대를 재단하고 인물의 행위를 평가하고 있기 때문이다. 또한 전승자가 문헌에 덧씌워진 당대의 정치적 상황과 봉건이데올로기를 고려하지 않고 글자 그대로 해석하거나 오늘날의 시각으로 당대를 해석한 결과이다.
This paper aims to investigate the figured characters and structures to identify how HeoNanseolheon's life and literature were transmitted to children's books. There are two opinions about the age of HeoNanseolheon when she wrote “GwanghanjeonBaekokruSangryangmun.” Some said it was written when she was 8 years old, and others when she nearly faced the end of her life. In other words, the biographical fact about the characters in her stories varied on what age she might have written it, 8 years old or 27 years old. The interpretation of her poem also varied on it as well. The literature emphasizing the genius of HeoNanseolheon accepted that she wrote that book when she was eight. Other literature described that she wrote it when she nearly faced the end of her life to comfort herself. This paper aims to investigate how the life and literature of HeoNanseolehon transmitted on her children's books focused on a point of view. The literature of HeoNanseolheon described a Confucian philosophy and partisan point of view. Such description is divided into favorable comments and worst criticisms on the poem of HeoNanseolheon. “Gwanghanjeonbaekeokrusangryangmun” was criticized by Yi Sugwang as a forgery for bringing in six kinds of children's books. However, there were two kinds of opinion based on the age of HeoNanseolheon. Some books accepted the opinion that the book was written by HeoNanseolheon at the age of eight and other described that it was written when HeoNanseolheon was a little older. The anecdote on HeoNanseolheon showed that the author was self-initiated and broad-minded and had a strong sense of identity. However, HeoNanseolheon was dutifully weak, was a good wife not to mention a wise mother in some of children’s books, and is in discord with the times in accordance to the feminist point of view. Such discrepancy in the description of HeoNanseolheon was caused by the interpretation of the time by using the present point of view or interpretation of the letter without considering the situations of her time when interpreting the literature.
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2. 허난설헌의 삶과 문학
3. 허난설헌 인물이야기 전승 서술방식
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