이 글에서는 작문 구성의 축을 의미 구성과 표현으로 보고, 이의 관계가 어떻게 변화했는지를 논의하였다. 그 변화는 각명 문자, 표면 문자, 디지털 문자의 단계로 설정하였다. 의미 구성과 표현은 각 단계를 거치면서 분리 상태로부터 통합 및 합치 상태로 변화하였다. 이 변화는 의미 구성과 표현이 상호작용의 관계를 심화해 온 과정으로 이해된다. 이 과정은 필자의 발달에서도 반복되어, 필자는 의미 구성과 표현의 분리 단계, 접점 단계, 통합 단계, 합치 단계를 거치면서 발달한다. 따라서 이 단계는 필자의 발달 단계로 설정할 수 있다. 이 발달 과정은, 이전 단계로의 퇴행은 거의 일어나지 않는다는 점, 곡선적 발달의 궤적을 그린다는 점 등의 특징을 보인다. 특히, 곡선적 발달은, 필자의 발달 과정에 비약적 속성이 있으며 이는 곧 필자 발달에 '결정적 시기'가 존재한다는 점을 전제하는 것이어서 주목된다.
This paper investigates the historical relation of composition and expression which are regarded two poles to make up writing process, the relational stages of composition and expression are built as the inscription letter, the surface letter, the digital letter. The relation of composition and expression have developed separation of them into integration and concurrence through the stages. The course are taken for a constructive course based on interaction of composition and expression by deepening and widening the relation of them. Its characterstic course repeat itself in writer development. Then, writer's develop through the four stages : the saparation stage, the transition stage, the integration stage, and the concurrence stage. In this development of individual writer characterize follows : first, the development is closely related to improvement of media technology, second the development trace a curve type. Specially, the curvilineal development of writer is spotlight because it makes premise more rapid progress of writer and critical period. In result, the transition the separation stage into the internalization stage, or the integral stage is critical period which writer progress rapidly, as historical change which the separation stage into the integration stage is valued. This paper investigates the historical relation of composition and expression which are regarded two poles to make up writing process, the relational stages of composition and expression are built as the inscription letter, the surface letter, the digital letter. The relation of composition and expression have developed separation of them into integration and concurrence through the stages. The course are taken for a constructive course based on interaction of composition and expression by deepening and widening the relation of them. Its characterstic course repeat itself in writer development. Then, writer's develop through the four stages : the saparation stage, the transition stage, the integration stage, and the concurrence stage. In this development of individual writer characterize follows : first, the development is closely related to improvement of media technology, second the development trace a curve type. Specially, the curvilineal development of writer is spotlight because it makes premise more rapid progress of writer and critical period. In result, the transition the separation stage into the internalization stage, or the integral stage is critical period which writer progress rapidly, as historical change which the separation stage into the integration stage is valued.
1. 서론
2. 논의 전개의 방법론
3. 의미 구성과 표현의 대응
4. 필자의 발달 단계와 과정
5. 결론