최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

蛟山의 學風 考察

Examination of Kyosan's trend of scholarship

DOI : 10.15734/koed..89.201201.697
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교산(1569-1618)은 조선조 후기 사상의 흐름과 學風의 중심에서 새로운 사상을 탐색하였다. 이단시 하던 양명학과 佛家, 그리고 노장사상을 수용하면서 儒家들의 비난을 받았다. 부친 허엽은 서경덕의 문인으로, 화담사상은 북송시대 장재의 기철학과 노장사상을 기반으로 하여 형성되었다. 花潭學風은 象數學이나 도가사상 등을 수용하였고, 이러한 학풍을 계승하여 학문적 전통을 확립하였다. 교산은 서경덕에게 직접 배우지는 않았지만 家風과 다양한 사상을 수용하여 자신의 문장과 세계를 넓혀왔다. 이러한 家風과 스승의 학맥을 이으면서도 자신만의 시세계를 가지려고 노력하였고, 정제된 시어로 독자에게 감동을 주고 있다. 뛰어난 문장력과 사상은 방대한 독서에서 기인하였다. 經史子集은 물론 다양한 서적을 통해 세계관을 확대하였다. 문집에 의하면 仲兄(허봉)이 유배지로부터 돌아온 뒤에야 비로소 古文을 가르쳐 주었다. 그 뒤에 문장은 西厓 정승에게 배웠고, 시는 李達에게서 배웠다. 그 이후 문장의 길이 여기에 있고 저기에 있지 않음을 알게 되었고, 진정한 문장의 도를 알게 되었다. 스승 李達은 조선조 삼당시인의 한사람으로 불우한 삶을 살았다. 이러한 스승의 절대적인 영향을 받았다. 學風의 영향으로 교산은 유가의 도덕사상보다는 인간중심적인 사상을 탐색하며 실천하려고 부단히 노력하였던 조선조 최고의 文人이었다.

Hur Gun was the hub of ideology and learning at the end of Chosun dynasty. Through the social limitation and contradiction at the end of Chosun dynasty, he tried to spread new ideology based on social community and human-concerned thought. However, the language and behavior in the Confucian society laid him open to public censure and those were underestimated by many Scholars. It is difficult for us to understand the Gyo-San's ideology because his records in history and books were distorted during the Chosun dynasty. Hur Gun was of noble family and learned the Confucianism from the childhood. He had a good ability in writing. And, he was in the government service as a representative member in the Confucius community. Although Hur Gun tried to keep at his position with scrupulous honesty, he was executed by treasonable offence which was framed. Hur Gun, one of the most famous writers, was impressed with delicate words and implicit poem. His poem was also subjective and creative. He tried to have his own thought and feeling even he accepted the family tradition and teaching. He was influenced by his farther, brothers, and Lee Dal. He had a good background. However, he was executed because he was not involved in any faction. He had very stimulating reading habit. He collected many books and lived with them, which was the important part and core of his life. He really hoped to live in his hometown, Gangneung. But, unfortunately he was executed during the chaos period.

1. 서론

2. 學風과 정치상황

3. 문장의 토대

4. 스승과 교류문인의 학풍

5. 결론
