본고는 오늘의 시교육의 폐단이 학습자의 사고를 억압하는 획일화된 시 수업에 있다고 보고, ‘대면하기’에서 ‘수용하기’, ‘탐색하기’, ‘향유하기’로 나아가는 사고 중심의 시 수업 모형을 제시한다. 이 수업 모형은 사고를 문제해결과정으로 보는 입장에서 학습자가 작품을 반복적으로 읽으면서 스스로 의문을 발견하고 해결하는 데에 중점을 둔다. 질문을 찾고 답하는 과정에서 학습자는 작품에 밀착하여 그 의미를 궁구하며 시의 가치를 체득한다. 사고 중심의 시 수업은 활동을 통해 지식을 생성하며, 학습자의 발산적이고 창의적인 사고를 권장한다.
Nowadays the poetry education in the secondary school is too much teacher-centered and knowledge-based. The teachers cram the learners’head with knowledge unilaterally, so the learners cannot have any chance to read and speculate about a work subjectively. This article considers the evil practices of present poetry teaching is resulted from standardized poetry classes that suppress the learners’ thinking ability, and suggests <A Poetry Teaching Model Based on Thinking> which includes the steps of ‘confronting’, ‘accepting’, ‘searching’, and ‘enjoying’. This teaching model is based on the view that thinking is a problem-solving process and focuses on that learners read a work repetitively and find and solve questions about it on their own. In the process that they find and solve the questions, they can study the meanings of the poem and experience the value of the poem as well as they adhere themselves closely to the work. The poetry teaching based on thinking generates knowledge by the means of activities and encourages learners’ critical and creative thinking. Moreover, it will improve their cognitive and affective thinking as well that is required in appreciating literature through serious thinking process.
1. 문제제기
2. 시 읽기와 사고
3. 사고 중심의 시 수업 모형
4. 결론