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KCI등재 학술저널

도시 산책자의 미적 체험과 의미범주

A City Stroller's Aesthetic Experience and Meaningful Scope

  • 8

문명사적 전환에 의한 문화현상은 새로운 미적 체험과 인식을 가능케 한다. 본고는 이에 대한 해명의 필요성에서 출발한다. 이 같은 문제의식에서 본고는 특히 대도시 공간의 출현에서 발생하는 생활방식과 체험구조를 벤야민이 제안한 산책자의 관점에 입각하여 조명하고자 한다. 이러한 관점은 대도시 공간을 ‘시각적 패러다임’ 속에서 사유하는 산책자의 투시적 상상력을 주목하는 방법이다. 시적 주체로서 산책자가 대도시 공간이라는 객체에 대하여 반응하는 지각은 도시적 삶의 조건과 과정에 대한 구체적 인식이라 할 수 있다. 본고는 도시 산책자의 미적 체험과 의미범주를 ‘도시공간에 대한 매혹과 부정적 지각’, ‘물신의 욕망과 비판적 인식’, ‘아우라 경험의 재생과 비움의 미학’이라는 층위에서 조명한다. 그럼으로써 새롭게 변화한 탈근대의 도시공간에서 도시 산책자로서 유하의 시적 상상력의 스펙트럼을 조명하고, 아울러 유하의 시가 보여주는 문학적 증상이 어떠한 사회ㆍ문화ㆍ문명사적 의미를 지니는지 살핀다.

The process of capitalistic industrialization has brought the expansion of city experience. Cities are meant to be not only the social, political and economic spaces but also aesthetic spaces. We are having the aesthetic experience while keeping our daily life in the city space. Such aesthetic experience is a new phenomenon. This paper aimed at considering a city stroller's aesthetic experience and the response type shown in the poetry of Ha You from these perspectives. The response type of the stroller to the space of a large city is taken in a two fold attitude with the fascination and negative perception and the addiction and reflective criticism. The fascination and addiction of the city stroller perceives the city civilization to be negative and become a method to be aware of it in a critic way. For example, the stroller peeks into the desire and microscopic action of power inherent to the material abundance and symbolic value ruling the city. In addition, these are perceived negatively in a critic manner. The critic awareness encourages the virtues of slowness and emptiness as their alternatives. The response type of the stroller according to the rapid change in the world of experience shows the technological civilization advanced around the city space might cause any large-scale disaster. The negative perception to the city space as an intensive symbol for the capitalistic civilization becomes a medium for the critic reflection and the characteristic to criticize civilization. The criticism of civilization as the reflective consideration by such negative awareness leads the aesthetic experience of individual to the place of history. The narrator who observes the landscape of city streets ruled by the god of materialism and question the nature of hidden politics is the stroller. This stroller is thinking reflectively while looking at the abundance and fashion in the city, the expansive reproduction of desire penetrated into the abundance and splendor of preference, and the actions of microscopic power. Such reflective pondering might be the power of imagination of runaway to get into the world of hope from the negative aspects of experience world. The city space is a condition to secure the material richness and pleasure in the capitalist life. Streets are exhibition centers of product aesthetics for the capitalism and the stroll in such places enables us to have the new aesthetic experience. The product aesthetics is an indicator to guarantee the myth of material richness as well as abundance of city life. The expansion of city experience and subsequent exploration of desire for the material belief of goods is to find out the genuine nature of life from the distorted characteristics of modern. Ha You finds out such true nature of life from the points where it encounters to the city space, aesthetics of reproduction and slowness in the aura experience, or philosophy of emptiness.

1. 서론: 도시 산책자의 반응형식

2. 도시공간의 매혹과 부정적 지각

3. 물신의 욕망과 비판적 인식

4. 아우라 경험의 재생과 비움의 미학

5. 결론: 도취와 반성적 성찰

