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KCI등재 학술저널

대학 교양수업에서 <구운몽> 읽기와 소설교

Reading Guwunmong for College Students and Novel Education

DOI : 10.15734/koed..83.200912.5
  • 7

이 논문은 대학 교양수업의 현장에서 <구운몽>을 텍스트로 하여 우리 고전소설 읽기, 강의와 토론, 감상문 쓰기를 어떻게 지도할 것인지 그 과정을 검토하고 분석하였다. 교수방법에서 교안은 크게, ‘현실 세계담의 의미’, ‘꿈속 여행담의 의미’, ‘부정(否定)을 통한 통합적 삶의 자세’, ‘해석의 다양한 시각 제시’, 네 부분으로 나눠 설명하였다. 다음으로 대학생들의 <구운몽> 읽기 양상을 세 유형으로 분류하여 설명하였다. <1>유형은 양소유의 ‘인생무상’ 및 성진의 욕망과 깨달음에서 감명을 받았다는 유형이다. <2>유형은 양소유가 추구하였던 ‘부귀공명’의 가치를 긍정하는 경우이다. <3>유형은 <구운몽>의 글쓰기 방식 및 다른 제재에 주목한 경우이다. <구운몽> 교양 수업은 작품의 사변적, 유희적 특성을 충분히 고려하고 음미하며, 다양한 질문과 토론의 방식으로 철학적 사유와 자기성찰을 촉발할 때 그 교육적 효과가 극대화될 것이다.

This study aims to review and analyze approaches to teaching the reading of a classical novel, giving a lecture and having a discussion, and guiding students about the way of a review using a Korean classical novel, Guwunmong, in an actual college classroom. The syllabus was largely divided into four parts: ‘the meaning of the real-world story,’ ‘the meaning of the travel story in the dream,’ ‘the attitude toward an integrated life through denial,’ and ‘suggestions of diverse perspectives of interpretation.’ Next, the ways in which college students interpreted Guwunmong are explained by being divided into three categories. The first type is the group that was impressed by Yang Seong-jin’s ‘vanity of life’ and his desire and realization. The second type is the group that positively accepted Yang Seong-jin’s pursuit of honor and fame. This group of students paid attention to Yang’s achievement and the love he gained in his youth, rather than in his older years. Finally, the third type is the group that had an interest not in the subject of Guwunmong, but in the way that Guwunmong was written, its epic technique, and the passive lives of women. Guwunmong can be read and interpreted differently according to the reader’s perspective, as well as his or her situation at the time of reading the novel. However, in order to understand the novel accurately, a professor should give students a good grounding in the structure of the novel through a lecture, and introduce them to the epic strategy of the writer, based upon which it is desirable that subjects such as desire, frustration, life, dream and perpetuity should be discussed. In conclusion, I suggest a teaching method that would induce student to have a deeper philosophical consideration of Guwunmong by focusing on the meaning of ‘rasing a problem.’

Ⅰ. 대학생 고전 읽기의 현장과 <구운몽>

Ⅱ. <구운몽>을 통한 소설 교육의 방향

Ⅲ. 대학생들의 <구운몽> 읽기 양상과 논점

Ⅳ. 맺음말
