In this article, I have studied on the aspects of summarizations of essay and its implication for the evaluation of them. Firstly, I have presented 93 students an essay and made them write a summary. And then I have analyzed the aspects of summarization qualitatively. According to the analysis (1) they are obligate to presented structure, (2) have text markers showing comprehension of summarizer, (3) transfer metaphoric expression into indicative expression, (4) paraphrase logical leaps into specifications and (5) have a well-arranged [situation] proposition. On the while, they have deficits in that (1) they are lack of macrostructural propositions(=theme), (2) omit rationales, (3) contain misconceived propositions owing to comprehender's thought, and (4) have misused text-markers, demonstrative expression in the micro-level. In addition, there are over-generalized propositions as well as over-specified propositions. On the basis of these, I have designed a set of criteria for evaluation of summarizations. This work could contribute to the education of summarizations for students who have attained a level.
1. 들머리
2. 요약하기의 본질
3. 논설문의 특징과 요약글의 특징
4. 논설문 요약글의 평가 잣대
5. 마무리