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KCI등재 학술저널

대학 원격수업에서 디지털리터러시, 자기조절 수준에 영향을 미치는 학습자특성 및 만족도 요인에 대한 로지스틱 회귀분석

Logistic Regression Analysis of Learner Traits and Satisfaction Influencing Levels of D igital Literacy and Self-regulation in University Distance Learning

DOI : 10.14333/KJTE.2023.39.1.06
  • 399

연구목적 본 연구는 대학의 원격수업을 수강한 학생들의 디지털리터러시와 자기조절 수준에 영향을 주는학습자특성과 만족도 요인이 무엇인지 예측하기 위한 목적으로 실시되었다. 연구방법 본 연구는 충북의 C대학교에서 2020년 2학기 원격수업을 수강한 전교생을 대상으로 설문을실시하였다. 유효한 사례 419개에 대하여 디지털리터러시와 자기조절 각각의 평균값의 사례를 제외한332명을 대상으로 변인별로 상하 집단으로 나누어 이분형 로지스틱분석을 실시하였고 두 변인의 수준에따라 하하, 하상, 상하, 상상 네 개의 집단으로 나누어 다항로지스틱분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과 주요 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 디지털리터러시 하위집단은 원하는 장소에서 수강할 수있어 편리하다고 생각하지 않을 가능성이, 수업방법은 적절하다고 생각할 가능성이 증가하였다. 둘째, 자기조절 하위집단은 학사 및 원격수업 안내가 적절하지 않았다고 생각할 가능성이 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 디지털리터러시와 자기조절 상상집단에 비하여 하하집단은 수업방법이 적절했고, 학사안내는 적절하지 않았다고 생각할 가능성이 증가하며, 하상집단은 출석인정방식이 명확하지 않다고 생각할 가능성이증가하고, 상하집단은 학년이 낮을 가능성이 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 결론 결론적으로 디지털리터러시와 자기조절 수준에 따른 집단 특성을 반영하여 차별화된 수업운영전략을적용할 필요가 있다.

Purpose: This study was conducted with the purpose of predicting the learner traits and satisfactionfactors that affect the digital literacy and self-regulation levels of students who have taken a universitycourse with distance learning. Methods: This study was conducted through a survey given to all students who took a distance learningcourse in the second semester of 2020 at C University in Chungbuk province. Of the 419 valid surveys332 subjects were analyzed excluding the average values of digital literacy and self-regulation. Followingthis the 332 subjects were again divided into upper and lower groups by variables. Binary logisticregression was then performed. Moreover, multinominal logistic regression was performed by dividingthe group into four groups lower-lower, upper-lower, lower-upper and upper-upper. Results: The main research results are as follows. First, the possibility that the lower digital literacygroup would not think it was convenient because they could take the course any place they wanted,and the possibility that thought the class method was appropriate increased. Second, the self-regulationlower group was found to be more likely to think that the guidance for academic affairs and distancelearning was not appropriate. Third, compared to the digital literacy and self-regulation the upper-uppergroup, the lower-lower group was more likely to think that the class method was appropriate, andthe belief that the guidance for academic affairs was not appropriate increased. The lower-upper classwas more likely to think that the attendance check recognition method was not clear. Furthermore,the upper-lower groups were found to be more likely to have lower grades. Conclusion: In conclusion, it is necessary to apply a differentiated class management strategy reflectingthe group characteristics according to the level of digital literacy and self-regulation.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경

Ⅲ. 연구방법

Ⅳ. 연구결과

Ⅴ. 결 론

