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KCI등재 학술저널

경종대 왕실여성들의 정치적 행보와 역할

Political actions of Female members of the Joseon Royal family, during the reign of King Gyeongjong, and their roles

DOI : 10.29186/kjhh.2022.46.389
  • 72

이 연구는 경종시대에 주목되는 왕실여성인 인원왕후 김씨, 선의왕후 어씨, 영빈 김씨 등이 정국 변동에서 보여준 정치적 행보와 역할을 살펴본 글이다. 그녀들의 생애 가운데에 辛丑(1721년)과 壬寅(1722년) 두 차례의 옥사가 일어났다. 보통 ‘辛壬獄事’라 불리는 이 사건은 왕실의 종통 문제와 결부되어 일어난 정치적 변란이자, 왕실의 후계권을 둘러싼 노론과 소론 간의 지속적인 대립과 갈등에서 비롯된 최대의 옥사였다. 경종대 왕실여성들은 각자가 처한 입장과 이해관계에 따라 서로 다른 정치적 행보를 걸었다. 後嗣를 두지 못한 인원왕후와 선의왕후는 혼란한 정국에서 각기 출신 당파와 다른 입장에 서서 종통의 승계 문제에 주도권을 행사하고자 하였다. 소론 출신 왕대비 인원왕후는 세제 책봉과 대리청정을 추진하는 과정에서 노론측이 세운 계획에 적극적으로 동조했다. 그녀가 정국 변동에서 보여준 친노론적 행보는 숙종의 ‘三宗血脈’을 계승하기 위한 것이었다. 선의왕후 역시 친정의 노론 당론을 따르지 않고 종친의 男兒를 입양하여 경종의 정통을 지키고자 하였다. 한편 간택후궁 영빈 김씨는 친정의 노론 당론을 충실히 따라 인원왕후와 친분을 쌓고 자신을 주축으로 인원왕후-연잉군-노론을 연결해 주는 가교자 역할을 수행했다. 영빈 김씨의 막후 활동은 인원왕후와 연계하여 자신과 養子 연잉군의 안위를 보장받고 궁극적으로 왕세제 연잉군의 왕위 계승을 돕는 데에 있었다. 세 여성의 행보는 어느 정도 성공을 거두었다. 인원왕후는 연잉군을 왕세제의 자리에 앉혀 경종의 보호를 당론으로 내세워 온 소론의 정치적 보복을 차단했다. 반면 선의왕후는 왕세제 연잉군의 대리청정을 무산시키고 노론 당파 세력에게 치명타를 입혀 그들의 정권을 한동안 와해시켰다. 하지만 얼마 뒤, 예기치 않게 경종이 일찍 승하하면서 인원왕후와 영빈 김씨의 바람대로 연잉군은 보위에 올랐고 노론 당파의 정권은 회복되었다.

Examined in this article are the political activities and roles played by Dowager Queen In’weon Kim[仁元王后, b.1687~d.1757], Queen Seon’eui Eo[宣懿王后, b.1705~d.1730], and Royal concubine Yeongbin Kim[寧嬪, b.1669~d.1735], during the reign of King Gyeongjong(景宗, r.1720~1724), which witnessed its share of political incidents. During the lifetimes of these females there were several political purges, which broke out in 1721(the Shinchuk/辛丑 year) and 1722(the Im’in/壬寅 year). These two incidents are oftentimes referred to collectively as the Purges of the Shin & Im Years(“Shin’im Oksa, 辛壬獄事”). It was as a whole a political incident of an unforeseen magnitude that involved a controversy regarding the succession line of the Joseon royal family, fueled by a long overdue conflict from the Noron and Soron party members’ years of clashing with each other over potential successors for the Joseon throne. Female members of the Joseon royal family during King Gyeongjong’s reign acted differently from each other, and displayed political choices of their own according to their respective interests and situations. For example, in a rather murky political environment, Queens In’weon and Seon’eui, who both had no sons to claim themselves as heirs(後嗣) to Gyeongjong, chose to side with political factions other than their own, and tried to establish a leading position for themselves in the issue of deciding the next one in line for the Joseon throne. Dowager Queen In’weon was from the Soron faction, but she actively supported the Noron faction’s plan to establish the King’s younger brother as successor to the throne and have the Dowager Queen supervise the government’s operations. Her pro-Noron actions at the time seems to have been due to her intentions to uphold her late husband King Sukjong(肅宗, r.1674-1720)’s notion of ‘Samjong Hyeolmaek(三宗血脈).’ Reversely, Queen Seon’eui from the Noron faction did not share the faction’s political stance, and intended to preserve her husband King Gyeongjong’s line, by adopting a male child from within the royal family. In the meantime, Royal concubine Yeongbin Kim decided to go with her family’s Noron position, and befriended Dowager Queen In’weon, while volunteering herself as an emissary between Dowager Queen In’weon, Prince Yeon’ing(延礽君, later King Yeongjo, r.1724-1776), and the Noron faction. Her alliance with Queen In’weon and her actions behind the curtain was intended to help ensure the safety of her adopted son Prince Yeon’ing and herself, and ultimately support Yeon’ing on his way to the throne. The efforts of these three females all turned out to be relatively successful, at least at some point. Dowager Queen In’weon managed to name Prince Yeon’ing as the Royal brother of the King[王世弟] and Successor of the throne, shielding herself and others from any political retribution of the Soron faction which had been arguing to guard King Gyeongjong. On the other hand, Queen Seon’eui was able to thwart the planned supervision of the government by Prince Yeon’ing, and inflicted a striking blow to the Noron faction, temporarily dismantling its regime. But before long, King Gyeongjong unexpectedly died at a very young age, and as Queen In’weon and Concubine Kim wanted, Prince Yeon’ing was enthroned while the Noron regime was restored.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 선왕 왕실여성들의 왕세제 보호와 지원

Ⅲ. 중전 선의왕후의 후계 설정 구상과 친소론적 행보

Ⅳ. 맺음말
