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Catholic Theology and Thought No.86.jpg
KCI등재후보 학술저널

예수 기적의 역사성과 기적의 해석학적 고찰

The Historicity of Jesus’ Miracles a the Hermineutical Study of Miracles

DOI : 10.21731/ctat.2022.86.51

One of the most remarkable things about Jesus' actions is miracles. The four Gospels report healing, exorcism, raising the dead and performing many natural miracles. Are these miracle stories historically true? In modern times, commentators, such as Bultmann, who have been influenced by a mechanistic world-view, regard the miracle of Jesus as a myth or a product of imagination, created from apologetic motives. As a result of analyzing the texts by the historical-critical method, avoiding ideological prejudices, this paper reaches the conclusion that Jesus clearly performed the miracle of healing, exorcism, and raising the dead. Jesus declared that the kingdom of God has come upon you if I cast out demons by the finger of God. Likewise, through miracles, Jesus made the apocalyptic expectation of future salvation present. A miracle is already a new heaven and a new earth on a small scale. With power they had received from Jesus, the disciples of the early church performed miracles that Jesus performed and they proclaimed the gospel of the kingdom of God. However, the miracle of Jesus' healing was reinterpreted by christological perspectives in the theology of the cross and resurrection, and the power of exorcism began to be replaced by baptism in the Holy Spirit. At thre same, this wonderful charismatic power gradually disappeared in the church, How should Jesus' miracles be understood today? What are the challenges of today's scientific worldview to the miracles, and miracle faith? This paper presents a preliminary reflection on these topics as a conclusion.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 예수 기적의 역사성 문제

Ⅲ. 기적의 해석학

Ⅳ. 결론
