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KCI등재 학술저널

The Effects of Destination Regeneration on Revisit Intention: Moderating Roles of Destination Image

The Effects of Destination Regeneration on Revisit Intention: Moderating Roles of Destination Image

DOI : 10.32599/apjb.13.4.202212.1
  • 35

Purpose - Despite the emergence of such destination regeneration as a key factor in urban tourism, little research was carried out on destination regeneration, especially on the impact of destination regeneration on revisit intention. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between destination regeneration and revisit intention with moderating role of the destination image. Design/Methodology/Approach - Data were collected from tourists who visited the destination, after which a total of 250 usable surveys were analyzed. In order to examine the data, we used frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, regression analysis by using SPSS 25.0. Findings - Based on the results, first, there is a positive relationship between destination regeneration and revisit intention. In addition, there are significant moderating effects of destination image between destination regeneration and revisit intention. Research Implications or Originality - Those significant findings could contribute to destination development from destination regeneration and revisit intention.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Literature Review

Ⅲ. Methods

Ⅳ. Results

Ⅴ. Conclusion

