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KCI등재 학술저널

문화과학적 탐색을 통한 알렌컬렉션 황실문화재 관광자원 활 성화방안

Study of Developing Allen’s Collection Imperial Resources as Tourism

DOI : 10.32599/apjb.13.4.202212.151
  • 92

Purpose - The purpose of this study is to redefine imperial cultural properties and pass on and provide the elegant value of imperial cultural properties with the Allen Collection's promotion to retrieve imperial cultural properties. Design/methodology/approach - This study was approached to deal with the essential interpretation of cultural improvement through discussion in the cultural science approach Findings - As a result of examining ways to revitalize tourism resources using Allen Collection, it is necessary to cultivate international manners and knowledge levels in strengthening imperial awareness through the establishment of imperial museums, enacting laws on standards for designation of imperial cultural assets, and promoting them. In addition, policy needs such as the development plan of the imperial cultural festival, re-establishment, application, reuse, re-establishment, and reproduction according to environmental changes, and technical support and monitoring systems for investigating and preserving imperial cultural assets are needed. Research implications or Originality - The study on the device imperial cultural assets as tour resources the cultural assets mate be not only preserved and inherited to the descendant but also useful in contemporary national emotion positively. for we could obtain wide national support and co-operation in the protection work of cultural assets. What makes our cultural assets leaved indifferent before destruction like this most of all, it is form indifference of the people, we must make an effort to meet with recognizing the value of useful cultural assets by mean of utilizing cultural assets as tour resources to inhibit more damage of destruction of cultural assets.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경

Ⅲ. 알렌 컬렉션 황실문화재의 관광자원화 방향

Ⅳ. 결론

