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전남대학교 수산과학연구소 제30권 제2호.jpg

선양빈(先養浜) 예측 모델과 설계기법에 관한 연구

Study on Prediction Model and Design Procedure of Pre-Beach Nourishment

DOI : 10.22714/SFO.2021.30.2.1
  • 23

It is essential to lessen the needed volume of the sand nourishment for the economic beach management. However, the uncertainty factors of seasonal weather and wave climate change hinder to save the budget for the beach management. To reduce the sand loss rate, one can think of ways to lessen the sand movement. If the predicted sedimentation zone due to the jetty could be filled with sand in advance, the smaller volume of sand might come from upstream zone. The study defines it as pre-beach nourishment. This study shows the design process of the pre-beach nourishment. The efficiency of the pre-beach nourishment will be investigated with the monitoring results of its real sea application.

서 론

평형 해안선 예측 기법

결과 및 고찰

결 론

참고 문헌
