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전남대학교 수산과학연구소 제30권 제2호.jpg

첨가유가 무태장어 (Anguilla marmorata) 치어의 성장 및 어체 영양성분에 미치는 영향

Effects of Oil Additives on Growth Performance and Nutritional Composition of Marbled Eel (Anguilla marmorata) Culture

DOI : 10.22714/SFO.2021.30.2.3
  • 26

As part of the study on formula feeds for marbled eel (Anguilla marmorata) culture, the growth performance, the basic and main nutritional composition in marbled eel fed diets with various types of additive oils were evaluated. The test show that fatty acid composition of eels fed fish oils (pollack and squid liver) was significantly different from those fed vegetable oils (soybean, olive, perilla and linseed). In the culture test of providing diets added with 10% of various oils, both weight gain rate and feed efficiency were higher in the order of eels fed diet with linseed oil>squid liver>perilla>other oils. Crude protein levels were not significantly different depending on the types of oil contained in the feed, and crude lipid contents in eels fed diets with pollack, squid liver and soybean oils were significantly higher than those fed diets with linseed and olive oils. Vitamin A (VA) and E (VE) contents also displayed a noticeable difference among eels fed additive oils, and VA in eels fed pollack and squid liver oil, and VE in eels fed pollack and squid liver and linseed oil found higher than eels fed other oils. Omega fatty acids such as DHA and EPA were highest in eels feddiets with squid liver oil. From this study it is confirmed that fatty acid composition of diet affects fatty acid composition of cultured marbled eels.

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