왕돌초 주변 해역에서 통발에 어획된 어류의 종조성 및 계절변동
Seasonal Fluctuations and Species Composition of Fish Collected by Fish Trap in the Coastal Water off Wang Dol Reef
- 전남대학교 수산과학연구소
- 수산과학연구소 논문집
- 제30권 제2호
- 2021.12
- 89 - 93 (5 pages)
This study was conducted from November 2019 to August 2020 to understand the species composition and seasonal variations of fish inhabiting at the Coastal water off Wang Dol Reef. A total of 22 fish species was collected at this area. The number of fish individuals was higher at August 2020 than March 2020. Sebastiscus marmoratus was the most dominant species, followed by Pseudololabrus sieboldi, and Alcichthys elongatus. At the seasonal fluctuations of the collected fishes, Sebastiscus marmoratus was dominant in November 2019 and March 2020, Alcichthys elongatus in May 2020, and Chromis notata in August 2020. These results are indicated as the species composition and seasonal variation of fish, due to the difference in water temperature.
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