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전남대학교 수산과학연구소 제31권 제1호.jpg

삼천포 연안에서 채집된 어류의 종조성 및 양적변동

Fluctuation in Abundance and Species Composition of Fish Collected in Coastal Waters off Samcheonpo, Korea

DOI : 10.22714/SFO.2022.31.1.1
  • 61

Seasonal fluctuation in abundance and species composition of fish in coastal waters off Samcheonpo were investigated using seasonal samples collected by fish pot and gill net in 2018. During the studying period, a total of 734 fishes were sampled and classified into 26 species, 19 families, and 7 orders. The dominant order was Perciformes accounted for 34.6% of the total fishes. Among the appeared 26 species, Mugil cephalus was the dominant species by 12.4%, followed by Hexagrammos otakii (11.9%), H. agrammus (10.4%), Lateolabrax japonicus (9.8%), Sebastes inermis (8.9%) acounted for 53.4% of the total fishes. The Richness index was the highest in September (R=3.887) and lowest in December (R=2.048). The evenness index was the highest in September (E=0.922) and lowest in March (E=0.841). The Diversity index was the highest in September (H′=2.851) and lowest in December (H′=2.125) Furthermore, the dominance index was the highest in December (D=0.447) and lowest in September (D=0.176).

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