영양흐름 먹이망모델을 이용한 왕돌초 감태 이식효과 예측
Forecasting the Effects of Ecklonia cava Transplantation in the Wangdol Reef Ecosystem using Trophic Flow Food-web Models
- 전남대학교 수산과학연구소
- 수산과학연구소 논문집
- 제31권 제1호
- 2022.02
- 13 - 22 (10 pages)
Few studies have been reported, to date, to understand and assess the effects of seaweed transplantation based on an ecosystem level rather than on population ones. This study aimed to interpret food-web structure and functions of the Wangdol Reef ecosystem and then assess the effects of Ecklonia cava transplantation by using food-web models. Firstly, the trophic flow ecopath model of 19 compartments was constructed, estimating total system throughput of 790 t km-2 y-1 with its components of 26% consumption, 26% exports, 16% respiratory flows and 32% flows into detritus, transfer efficiency of 10.0~8.5 between TL II~IV, 60% of energy source from phytoplankton, and less matured status of the system indicated by Primary Production / Total Respiration 2.64, PP/Biomass 34.1 y-1 and B / Total System Throughput 0.012 y-1. Then, the spatially resolved ecospace model was implemented for planting 80 ind 100 m-2 of Ecklonia cava in the seaweed bed assuming the bottomup control by the seaweed. The model showed that there were 5 times higher biomass of seaweed eaters, e.g., gastropods, echinoderms and small crustaceans, and also 2.7 times of the most functional groups than those before the transplantation. The model seems a useful tool for management of marine forest from model applicability.
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