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전남대학교 수산과학연구소 제31권 제1호.jpg

Marine Benthic Algal Community in the Coastal Waters off Soo Woo Island, Tongyeong

Marine Benthic Algal Community in the Coastal Waters off Soo Woo Island, Tongyeong

DOI : 10.22714/SFO.2022.31.1.10
  • 18

The species composition and seasonal patterns in marine benthic algal community in the coastal waters off Soo Woo Island, Tongyeong were investigated seasonally throughout 2019. A total of 85 species, 9 Chlorophyta, 16 Phaeophyta, and 60 Rhodophyta, were recorded, and dominant species were Sargassum horneri, Caulacanthus ustulatus, Ceramium sp., Gracilaria textorii, Chondracanthus intermedius, Chondracanthus tenellus, Herpochondria elegans, Lithophyllum okamurae, Lomentaria catenata, Polysiphonia sp., and Pterocladiella capillacea during study periods. The number of species were differed with seasons and stations; Higher number of algal species was 52 species in spring, whereas 33 species was lower in summer. The number of algal species were higher at station 3, 4, while the lower value was at station 1, 6 than other stations. The differences of marine benthic algal composition at each station in MDS ordination due to the physical characteristics and local topography.


Materials and Methods

Results and Discussion

