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KCI등재후보 학술저널

델파이 기법에 의한 동물보건사의 직무배태성 조사용 설문지 개발

Development of a Questionnaire for Job Embeddeness Investigation of Veterinary Nursing by Delphi Technique

DOI : 10.56878/jvn.2022.1.2.77
  • 114

This study was conducted to develop a tool to measure the job embeddedness of veterinary nurse in animal hospitals. Referring to the tool developed by Michell (2001) and using the Delphi technique, 21 members were composed to calculate the CVR value of the first and second validity analysis, and wrote 20 basic items with a score of 0.42 or higher. In factor analysis, the sample fit value of KMO was 0.863, exceeding 0.6, and Bartlett's significance level was 0.0, which was less than 0.05. Varimax rotational component value was judged to be acceptable when it was 0.5 points or more for each item, and it was appropriate in 16 items except for items 4, 6, 7, and 12. And Cronbach'α = 0.889, exceeding 0.6, and reliability was recognized. The basis for the number of subjects in the 1st and 2nd questionnaires to verify reliability for veterinary nurse is when the significance level ɑ=0.05, number of groups=1, effect size 0.3, and power (1-β) 0.95 are satisfied using the G+ power program. There are 111 people were designed considering the dropouts. The sub-factors for reliability analysis were composed of 4 factors. Factor 1 was named “Link to organization”, factor 2 was “Welfare to organization”, factor 3 was “Prospect to organization”, and factor 4 was named “Fit to organization”. In this study, the development of the scale of job embedding was completed with 16 items and 4 sub-factors. In the future, it is hoped that this study will be used as a tool to measure the job Embeddeness of veterinary nurse and help improve their working environment.

1. 서 론

2. 연구내용 및 방법

3. 결 과

4. 고 찰

5. 결 론



