최근 검색어 전체 삭제
기초과학연구 논문집 제30권 제1호.jpg

흡기근 강화운동이 노력성폐활량, 최대흡기압, 가슴가동성에 미치는 영향

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of respiratory muscle strengthening exercise using a incentive spirometer on the improvement of forced vital capacity (FVC), maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and thoracic mobility (TM) in healthy college students. Thirty subjects were participated, and Pony FX was used to measure FVC and MIP, and flexible ruler was used to measure thoracic mobility. The measurements were implemented before the inspiratory muscle strengthening exercise with incentive spirometer and after inspiratory muscle strengthening exercise with it. FVC and MIP and MEP and chest circumference data were normally distributed in Kolmogorov-Smirnov (p>.05), and a paired t-test was employed to analyze the statistical differences of measurements between before and after exercise. There was a significant difference in FVC (p=.001), however the post -measurement was lesser than pre-measurement. And there were no significant difference in MIP (p=.195), and chest circumference (p=.781). The results shows that once inspiratory muscle strengthening exercise with incentive spirometer could not induce the increasing FVC, MIP and TM. Therefore, aerobic exercise and inspiratory muscle strengthening exercise during a certain period should be necessary to improve an aerobic capacity including with parameters of FVC, MIP and TM in healthy

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 방 법

Ⅲ. 결 과

Ⅳ. 고 찰

Ⅴ. 결 론

Ⅵ. 참고문헌
