Establishing EU Norms as a Global Actor: Application of New Concepts in FTAs
Establishing EU Norms as a Global Actor: Application of New Concepts in FTAs
- The International Academy of Global Business and Trade
- Journal of Global Business and Trade
- Vol. 19, No. 1
- 2023.02
- 75 - 89 (15 pages)
Purpose - This study conducts an analysis on the strengthening of the EU’s capacity as a normative power, and the direction of global standardization of these norms. Specifically, this study examines how trade and sustainable development provisions are applied in FTAs with Asian countries. Design/Methodology/Approach - To analyze the relationship between the EU as normative power and its expansion to global standardization as a new concept in the field of trade, this study first focuses on the concept of the EU’s normative power. Based on the concept, the study conducts a comparative analysis of the Korea-EU FTA, EU-Singapore FTA, and EU-Vietnam FTA, which are known as representative FTAs of the EU with Asian countries. Findings - The EU is trying to develop its norms into global standards as a normative power by applying the concept of trade and sustainable development when signing trade agreements with other countries amid changes in multilateral trade norms. This is evidently revealed in the FTAs of the EU with Korea, Singapore, and Vietnam. Research Implications - When discussing the revision of the Korea-EU FTA in the future, it is necessary to recognize and respond to these changes, and Korea, as a middle power, also needs to consider the ripple effect of the EU’s formation and spread of its norms as a normative power.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Direction of EU Normative Power as a Global Actor
Ⅲ. The Status of PTAs between the EU and Countries in Asia
Ⅳ. Application of a New Concept in EU-Asia FTAs: Trade and Sustainable Development Provisions
Ⅴ. Conclusion