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KCI등재 학술저널

러시아어 물리적 행위 동사 그룹의 의미적 교차성

Semantic Intersection of Russian Physical Action Verb Groups: Entropy of Destruction Verbs

DOI : 10.24958/rh.2023.26.61
  • 5

In the study of the thematic verb groups, in particular, the study of the physical action verb has a extremely important meaning. This verb represents a semantic group that essentially conveys the meaning of the verb for action, i.e. aggressive action. By analyzing the semantic structure of physical action verbs, we find meaningful intersections between the verb subgroups, the creative verb group and the destructive verb group. The semantic intersection of creation verbs and destruction verbs can be easily explained from a linguistic point of view. The action designated by the physical action verb involves a change of object. The creation verb and destruction verb have the same semantic structure, but only differ in the interest of the speaker. In creative verbs, the object of the action(=Result) appears to have a higher communicative rank than the material(=Patient). On the other hand, Patient, the object of the physical action in the destructive verb, would rank lower in communication than Result. The semantic correlation between creation and destruction is naturally explained through the entropy of thermodynamics. In a world where energy is constant, an equilibrium is maintained among the three energies of the original object, the physical action, and the object that changes due to the action. Also, just as the meaning of creation and destruction is distinguished according to the speaker's intention and purpose, in thermodynamics, the act of creation and destruction is distinguished according to the direction toward maximum entropy: Is the entropy of the changed object the result of adding negative entropy to the energy of the original object? Or is it the result of applying negative entropy to the world surrounding the object? In addition, the fact that entropy performs a natural function of bringing the universe into a state of dynamic equilibrium suggests that it is the verb of destruction what takes the lead intersecting the meanings of creation and destruction.

Ⅰ. 들어가며

Ⅱ. 물리적 행위 동사의 의미 그룹

Ⅲ. 창조와 파괴의 의미적 상관성

Ⅳ. 나오며

