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Монголын жижиглэн худалдааны салбарын “өөрчлөлт ба өнөөгийн байдал: Орчин үеийн болон уламж лалт худалдаа

Changes and the Current State of the Mongolian Retail Sector: Modern vs. Traditional Trade

  • 7

In most emerging economies, retail modernization was largely influenced by the entrance of foreign retailers. Mongolia, the world’s most sparsely populated country, received little to no attention from foreign retailers until recent years, when the country started to experience higher economic growth. The main objective of this paper is to shed more light on why the retail sector in Mongolia started to modernize, and what the factors and the processes of modernization are. In order to gain a full understanding of the current conditions of retail in Mongolia, this paper reviewed the evolution and development of the Mongolian retail sector.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Evolution and Development of Retail in Mongolia

Ⅲ. Modern trade

Ⅳ. Conclusion
