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KCI등재 학술저널

Профессор И Сөнгюү (Lee Seonggyu)-ийн Монгол судлалын хөгжилд оруулсан хувь нэмэр ба “Монгол судлалын гурван сурвалжийн хэлний судалгаа” (蒙學三書의 蒙古語 硏究, 2002) бүтээлийн тухай

The key role Professor Lee Seonggyu played in the field of Mongolian studies and review of his work “Linguistic analysis of Three Sources of Mongolian Studies”

DOI : 10.17292/kams.2022..72.001

Some scholars regard Mongolian language learning during the 13th century as the beginning of Mongolian studies in Korea while other scholars estimate it even earlier during the Khitan period (9th-10th century). Contemporary Mongolian studies in Korea started in the 1950s and the main resources were three books Mongolian No-geol-dae, Cheop-hae Mong-eo and Mong-eo Ryu-hae written for Koreans during the 13th century and collectively known as “Three sources of Mongolian Studies”. In 1990, the two countries established diplomatic relations and the Department of Mongolian Studies was founded at Dankook University. During the past 30 years, Korea’s Mongolists have achieved international recognition and Professor Lee Seonggyu has been the one responsible for educating and graduating them and leading training and research programs. Hence, he is respected as the most prominent Korean Mongolist academic who has played an important role in Mongolian-Korean relations. In this article, firstly, we will introduce and classify his academic papers as registered in the Korea Citation Index (https://www.kci.go.kr/kciportal/main.kci). He has conducted wide variety of research in the field of Mongolian studies, such as source studies, historical linguistics, Khitan studies, orthography, modern Mongolian language and local dialects. He also leads in terms of number of studies published. Secondly, in this article we wrote an academic review of Professor Lee Seonggyu’s work “Linguistic analysis of Three Sources of Mongolian Studies” (蒙學三書의 蒙古 語 硏究, 2002). The three sources are Mongolian No-geol-dae (蒙語老乞大, 1790), Mong-eo Ryu-hae (蒙語類解, 1790) and Cheop-hae Mong-eo (捷解蒙語, 1790) and Professor Lee Seonggyu published a comprehensive study on all forms and grammatical systems of the written and colloquial language within their lexicons. This work will not only serve as a foundation for students who will continue to study the linguistics of “Three Sources of Mongolian Studies”, but it also became an important comparative study from historical point of view between the morphological features of this period of Mongolian historical language and other sources and dialects.


2. Профессор И Сөнгюүгийн Монгол судлалд гүйцэтгэсэн хувь нэмэр

3. “Монгол судлалын гурван сурвалжийн монгол хэлний судалгаа” (蒙學三書의 蒙古語 硏究, 2002) бүтээлийн шүүмж
