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KCI등재 학술저널

몽골불교의 능엄주(楞嚴呪; Цагаан шүхэрт) 독송(讀誦)과 특징

Characteristics of the Recitation of Surnngama-samadhi-dharani in Mongolian Buddhism

DOI : 10.17292/kams.2022..72.009
  • 18

In traditional social religion, sorcery was a means of expecting God's mercy. Witchcraft was a means of praying for God's power and approaching the world of God through his thoughts and wills. In this paper, which was believed to be able to shake off the disease through Buddhist rituals and chanting, was reviewed, focusing on the reading of Neungumju in Mongolia. Surnngama-samadhi-dharani, called Tsagaan shukhert in Mongolia, is the most recited truth in Mongolian Buddhism since ancient times, and from the 18th century to the early 20th century, when Buddhist temples lived mainly, reading Buddhist scriptures, including Surnngama-samadhi-dharani, seems to have been part of the treatment along with Mongolian methods. In addition, in this paper, the symbol of Mongolia's faith and tangka in Sitatapatra, the main Buddha of Surnngama-samadhi-dharani, was confirmed, especially the part where disease healing was mentioned as a virtue of solitude at the end of Surnngama-samadhi-dharani was confirmed. In addition, it was highlighted that the psychological stability of the people was promoted not only in various Buddhist rituals but also in the form of life-friendly reading as a countermeasure against infectious diseases. In Mongolia today, we looked at the use of Surnngama-samadhi-dharani, as a disease prevention charm to prevent infectious diseases including COVID-19, and through this, we could confirm the opening of Buddhist rituals centered on Neungumju, a magical healing culture, and a form of life-friendly faith.

1. 서론

2. 능엄주와 몽골 다라니 독송의 연원

3. 능엄주 본존 백산개보살(白傘蓋菩薩, Цагаан шүхэрт)신앙의 형성

4. 능엄주 독송이 가지는 질병 치료적 성격과 신앙

5. 결론
