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KCI등재 학술저널

버더의 생애와 비밀결사단

A Study on the D.Bodoo’s Life and the Secret Society

DOI : 10.17292/kams.2022..72.011
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The short history of about 10 years from Mongolia's liberation from the Qing Dynasty in 1911 until it entered the socialist line in 1924 can be said to be an important period in Mongolia's modern and independent history. This article tried to analyze the situation of Mongolia immediately after independence in 1911 and the life of a person named D.Bodoo who lived at that time, his independence activities and his role in the process of the emergence of Mongolia's first political party. D.Bodoo studied as a lama monk in the Huree when he was young, worked as a secretary at Erdene Shanjudba Yam, and served as a Mongolian teacher at the Mongolian language interpreter and translator training school affiliated with the Russian Consulate. He formed the Consul Hill secret society in 1918, and based on this, played an important role in Mongolia's independent history.

1. 머리말

2. 버더의 약력

3. 컨솔 언덕 비밀결사단 결성

4. 몽골 최초의 정당 출현

5. 맺음말
