On the meaning of the slaves’ shapes in Yadam of the Joseon Dynasty
조선조 야담 속 노비의 형상과 그 의미
- 호남대학교 인문사회과학연구소
- 인문사회과학연구
- 제66권 제1호
- : KCI등재
- 2023.02
- 21 - 36 (16 pages)
이 글에서는 조선시대 문헌설화에 나타난 노비의 형상들을 살펴보는 가운데 시간의 흐름 속에 노비의 형상에 차이가 있음을 확인하고 노비의 문학적 형상화와 변이양상의 의미에 대해 고찰하였다. 야담에서 노비는 주인과의 관계에서 충성스러운 존재로 그려지거나 주인에게서 도망쳤어도 끝내 옛 주인에 대한 은혜를 잊지않고 인간의 본분을 다하려는 모습으로 그려진다. 조선시대 야담을 시기적으로 보면 이야기의 유형에 차이가 있다. 조선 전기 잡록류에서는 노비가 양반을 대리하는 화자로 등장하는데, 이는 개별화된 존재라기보다는 수사적 장치로 판단된다. 이후 등장하는 초기 야담집인 <어우야담>에서는 양반과 노비의 불가분의 관계를 확인할 수 있고, 후기 야담집인 <계서야담>과 <청구야담>에 등장하는 노비는 양반과 분리된 개인으로 묘사된다. 이밖에 야담 속 여성노비와 남성노비의 이미지에도 차이가 나타나는데, 이는 여성 노비의 재산적 가치가 더 높았던 현실을 반영한 것으로 해석된다.
This paper examined the shapes of slaves in Yadam of the Joseon Dynasty, confirms the differences in the shapes of slaves in the flow of time, and considers the meaning of the literary imagery dealing with slaves and its variation. The slaves in Yadam are portrayed as beings who have internalized the value of the ideology of ‘loyalty’, a neo-Confucian ideology, in their relationship with their master. Also In Yadam of the Joseon Dynasty, stories about runaway slaves are also handed down. The slaves found in the Yadam collection of the Joseon Dynasty are depicted as human types deeply internalized in their loyalty to their master, and even if they were runaway slaves, they appear as trying to fulfill their human duty without forgetting the grace they had for their master in the past. At the same time, they make the choice to cheat on their master and leave for a new life. Looking at Yadam of the Joseon Dynasty in consideration of the period, there is a difference in the type of story found in each Yadam collection. Slaves, who appear very briefly in the early Joseon Dynasty and leave a deep impression of their presence through a word of speech, can be said to be talkers in place of noblemen, and speech as ‘slaves’ seems to be a rhetorical device. In ‘Eou Yadam’, an early Yadam collection, we can see the inseparable relationship between noblemen and slaves, who depended on slaves for everything in their daily lives, through loyal slaves who risked or threw their lives only for the master without a single glance and in the later Yadam collections ‘Gyeseo Yadam’ and ‘Cheonggu Yadam’, slaves are portrayed as individuals separated from the yangban through their pursuit of individual freedom and rebellion against their social status. In addition, There are also differences in the imagery of male and female slaves in Yadam, and the method of portraying each individual’s extraordinaryness is different. This seems to reflect the real situation where the value of female slaves as property is higher.
I. Introduction
II. The shape of slaves in Yadam
III. Changes in the shape of slaves and that meaning
IV. Conclusion