‘NP2+무섭다’ 구문의 의미와 사건구조 : 어휘 분해 이론에 의한 접근
Semantic Representation and Event Structure of the ‘NP2+musʌpta’ Construction: An Approach Based on Lexical Decomposition Theory
The purpose of this paper is to explain the eventuality semantics of the ‘NP2+musʌpta’ construction in accordance with lexical decomposition theory, taking into account the characteristics of Korean psychological adjectives. The ‘NP2+musʌpta’ construction composed of the psychological adjective ‘musʌpta’ has an essential difference from the state-property adjective construction. The NP2 argument required by a typical state-property adjective is considered as a ‘theme’ argument, while the NP2 argument required by the psychological adjective ‘musʌpta’ considered as an state-property adjective is more valid as a ‘stimulus’. According to lexical decomposition theory, the semantic relationship between ‘musʌpta’ and ‘NP2’ represents the meaning of being in a frightened state due to a certain stimulus. Although the ‘NP2+musʌpta’ psychological adjective construction appears to express the attributes of external objects on the surface, it is a psychological adjective construction that has taken on a causative meaning with the potential inhibition of experiential subjectivity.
1. 서론
2. ‘NP2+A’ 구문의 통사적 실현 양상
3. ‘NP2+무섭다’ 구문의 주어 정체성
4. ‘NP2+무섭다’ 구문의 사건의미
5. 결론