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KCI등재 학술저널

뷰티 콘텐츠 의 (Beauty Contents) 유튜브 선호도 분석 (YouTube)

Analysis of YouTube Preference of Beauty Contents: Focusing on Stage Makeup

DOI : 10.18693/jksba.2023.24.1.131

Recently, beauty YouTube usage has been on the rise, and there have been diverse studies. However, it has been hard to find a preference study by the number of video views. Therefore, this study attempted to investigate what factors are preferred by age as the number of video views increases and facilitate the growth and development of beauty contents through the production of a video which adopted such preferred factors. For this, previous studies were analyzed, and the results were classified into both subjective and objective indexes. In terms of objective indexes, a shooting location, supplies, model availability(Y/N), video editing, videos, contents and beauty creator’s characteristics were derived. Among a total of 204 domestic character and stage makeup videos as of July 1, 2020, top 5 videos in terms of views were analyzed. In contrast, subjective indexes were divided into informativity, playfulness, friendliness, professionalism and attractiveness. A questionnaire survey was performed against a total of 60 respondents in their 10-30s in Gwangju and Jeollanam-do from July 20 to August 31, 2020. The collected data were analyzed, using SPSS 21.0, and the results found the followings: Among those in their 10-30s, ‘playfulness’, ‘professionalism’, ‘attractiveness’, ‘friendliness’ and ‘informativity’ had an influence on the number of video views. Specifically, supplies, time, expert, celebrity, product information and knowhow were influential. Furthermore, this study confirmed that a video can be produced with the preferred factors derived through analysis. It is anticipated that the study results would be useful in contents production as a reference by providing future beauty creators with the factors which can increase the number of video views and make a contribution to the development of beauty contents.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경

Ⅲ. 콘텐츠 분석 기준

Ⅳ. 연구 방법

Ⅴ. 분석 결과 및 고찰

Ⅵ. 결론

