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KCI등재후보 학술저널

대일항쟁기 천안출신 독립운동가들의 활약과 향배

Independence Activists from Cheonan Activity and Attitude

DOI : 10.56475/ygsrc.2022.27.2.83
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현재 천안출신 인사들 중에서 독립유공자로 포상을 받은 사람은 106명이다. 포상자를 국가보훈처에서 분류한 독립운동계열별로 살펴보면 의병 4명, 3․1운동 75명, 국내항일 10명, 학생운동 2명, 만주방면 6명, 중국방면 1명, 임시정부 1명, 광복군 3명, 일본방면 3명, 문화운동 1명이다. 2022년 8월 15일 현재 전체 독립유공자는 17,588명이다. 도별 현황은 경북 2,440명, 충남 1,670명, 경기 1,481명, 전남 1,429명, 경남 1,409 순이다. 충남은 경북에 이어 두 번째이다. 충남 독립유공자 1,670명 중에서 천안은 106명으로 6.34%로 타 지역에 비해 많지 않은 실정이다. 그럼에도 천안이 충절의 고장, 독립운동의 메카로 불리는 것은 유관순열사와 독립기념관 때문이 아닌가 생각한다. 호칭의 위상에 걸맞게 천안지역 독립운동가를 발굴하고 천안독립운동사 연구가 활성화되기를 기대한다.

As of now, 106 people have received compensation as Independence Activists out of all those famous figures from Cheonan. To categorize, there are 4 medics, 75 activists involved in March 1st Movement, 10 domestic anti-Japanese resistants, 2 student resistants, 6 Manchu-bound’s, 1 China-bound, 1 provisional government, 3 liberation soldiers, 3 Japan-bound, and 1 cultural movement. As of August 15th, 2022, there are 17,588 Independence Activists. To categorize by province, there are 2,440 from Gyeongsangbuk-do, 1,670 from Chungcheongnam-do, 1,481 from Gyeonggi-do, 1,429 from Jeollanam-do, and 1,409 from Gyeongsangnam-do. Chungcheongnam-do comes in second after Gyeongsangbuk-do. Cheonan’s number of 106 takes up 6.34% of all 1,670 Independence Activists from Chungcheongnam-do, and it’s not a lot. Despite such low stats, I believe Cheonan is known to be a mecca of Korean resistance because of Yu Gwansun and the Independence Hall of Korea. I hope the research and discovery of Independence Activists from Cheonan flourish so this city can live up to its reputation. As we approach the 2000’s, the interest towards regional history and culture was restored thanks the effort of smaller provinces. Consequently, we made great achievements as each regional organizations’ effort to improve Independence Activists research increased. Additionally, discovering documents related to the Independence Movement and allowed new attention to head towards regional resistance. I sincerely hope the history of the Independence Movement in Chungcheongnam-do can be rediscovered with help from the municipality, city, Independence Hall, Chungnam Institute of History and Culture, Yu Gwansun Organization, and other related organizations.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 일제의 강제병합과 무단통치

Ⅲ. 대일항쟁기 천안지역 독립운동가들의 활약과 향배

Ⅳ. 맺음말

