Amid the global movement to harness individual data and boost the data economy, MyData services that utilize personal data are being implemented in earnest in the financial sector in Korea due to the government's active encouragement policy. To this end, MyData service providers must have a service system for business operators that collects and efficiently loads personal information scattered in various financial institutions with individual consent, and comprehensively analyzes and provides it. The system must not only have strict security management capabilities, but also be built in a flexible form that takes into account future data scalability and additional services. In this paper, it has been proposed to be implemented the essential functions that MyData service system must have and the core functions that can manage the entire data life cycle from data collection, distribution to disposal in the form of a platform. In addition, the strengths of the platform structure were reviewed, and the effectiveness of the platform model was examined upon application.
1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
3. 플랫폼 모델 설계
4. 플랫폼 기대 효과
5. 결론