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사회언어학 제31권 1호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

초기의 연세 한국어학당과 기독교 선교부의 관계

The Relationship between the Korean Language Institute in Yonsei and Protestant Missions in the 1960s

DOI : 10.14353/sjk.2023.31.1.03
  • 43

This study examines the relationship between the Korean Language Institute (KLI), established at Yonsei University after 1959, and the Korea Inter-Mission Language Committee (KIMLC), which represented the Protestant missions in Korea at the time. The existence of the KIMLC and its relationship with the KLI had not been reported until now. The evidence for this study is primarily found in records collected from the archives of the Presbyterian Historical Society. These records indicate that the KIMLC was the successor to the Yonsei Language School Consultation Committee, which was responsible for establishment of the Korean Language Institute at Yonsei University and qualified as the official agent for Korean language learning for missionaries. Futhermore, I discovered that KIMLC was actively involved with KLI through the mid-1960s, advising, participating in, and auditing KLI's Korean language programs. Moreover, from the late 1960s onward, as KLI expanded its language education programs, the KIMLC's role in teaching Korean to missionaries diminished, thus allowing KLI to develop into a more independent institution.

1. 들어가기

2. 문제제기 및 관련 자료

3. KLI와 선교부의 관계

4. 맺음말

