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AI와 인간사회 제4권 제1호.jpg
KCI등재후보 학술저널

노인 지역사회 통합돌봄의 인공지능(AI), ICT활용사례 연구

A Case Study on the Use of AI and ICT in the Senior Community Integrated Care

  • 777

This study identified and analyzed AI and ICT application cases used in community integrated care leading projects. Through this, we discovered application tasks for the vitalization of artificial intelligence and ICT in the care service field in the future. As a result of the analysis, artificial intelligence and ICT in the community integrated care leading project enabled effective service provision by sharing information related to the target and service between care service providers. In addition, with the operation of an AI welfare worker, it is now possible to provide care services outside the working hours of care workers. In addition, safety was managed in the space where the subject of care resided, and non-face-to-face health management was made possible so that medical staff could check the health condition without visiting the home or face-to-face. Lastly, emotional support was provided to the elderly by operating a non-face-to-face cultural leisure program that could satisfy the various needs of the elderly. In the future, care services using artificial intelligence and ICT should function as a supplement to supplement care workers, not replace them.

Ⅰ. 연구배경과 목적

Ⅱ. 지역사회 통합돌봄에 대한 논의

Ⅲ. 지역사회 통합돌봄에서 인공지능, ICT기술 실천사례

Ⅳ. 돌봄분야 인공지능과 ICT적용방향과 과제

