최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

중국 근대 조선 사행록(使行錄) 속 조선 인식의 변용과 기억

In the late 19th century, both Korea and China sought to transform themselves in response to the massive unprecedented flow of the eastern penetration of Western powers. This period was essentially in the historical process of the globalization of the world with the change of the East being westernized. Considering this, it is necessary to study the relationship between Korean and China and to examine 『Dongshijishishilue』 written by KuiLing and 『Dongxingsanlu』 written by MaJianZhong to figure out the modernization process of East Asian international relations in the nineteenth century. Based on the above assumption, this study analyzes 『Dongshijishishilue』 and 『Dongxingsanlu』, which are travelogues of the Qing envoys to focus on the transformation and recollection of recognizing Joseon Dynasty. To be specific, in Chapter Ⅱ, it surveys the political and social structure and transformation of modern Chinese-Korean relations in the East Asian international order. In Chapter Ⅲ, it analyzes the perception of the Joseon Dynasty in modern China. In addition, in Chapter Ⅳ, it figures out dismantled the world order system and China's response. The contents of each of these chapters are as follows. First, the political and social structure and the transformation of modern Korean - Chinese relations in the East Asian international order can be summarized as follows. It was emphasizing the traditional Korean-Chinese relationship in Dongshijishishilue KuiLing emphasized not only the relationship between China and the Joseon Dynasty, that is, the relationship between the subordinate and the dependent states but also the relationship between tribute and investiture which was the international order centered on China in traditional East Asian. One of the most remarkable aspects of  Dongshijishishilue is the Korea-China relationship in the transition and change of international order in the East Asia. Traditionally, international order in the East Asia, centered on China, has continued to be a form of tribute to China by countries around China. However, by changing international order in the East Asia, the traditional relationship between China and the Joseon Dynasty was forced to undergo fundamental changes. Therefore, against the Western powers to regard the Joseon Dynasty as an independent nation, China sought to officially acknowledge that the Joseon Dynasty was their dependency. During this process, China actively mediated the treaty between Korea and the Western powers such as the United States and the United Kingdom, and sought to be recognized as a sovereign right to Korea. Further China planned to include the Joseon Dynasty as a province under Chinese territorial control. Second, the modern China's recognition of the Joseon Dynasty can be summarized as follows. KuiLing and MaJianZhong, who were the ambassadors of the Qing dynasty, have a common feature to record the Joseon Dynasty travelogue during the middle and late nineteenth century. However, since their paths, processes and purpose of journey were different, the perceptions of the Joseon Dyasty reflected in various aspects. The perception of the Joseon Dynasty in the 『Dongxingsanlu』 are analyzed as follows: (1) The traditional perception of the relationship between China as the parent state and the Josoen Dynasty as the dependent state, (2) The recognition of the Joseon Dynasty 's politics, and (3) The Joseon Dynasty is not only the dependent state but also a strategic hub. KuiLing and MaJianZhong followed the traditionally existing relationship between China and the Joseon Dynasty which recognized as the relationship between the parent state and the dependent state. In addition, it emphasized that the Joseon Dynasty inherited the Chinese civilization. This implied the cultural hierarchy relationship between China and the Joseon Dynasty from ancient times. KuiLing expressed perception of the Joseon Dynasty' politics as an ideal asp

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 근대 한ㆍ중 관계의 정치적ㆍ사회적 구조와 변용

Ⅲ. 근대 중국의 대(對) 조선인식

Ⅳ. 중국적 세계질서 체제의 해체와 중국의 대응

Ⅴ. 나오는 말
