최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

1890-1910년대 한국 근대 매체 속에 투영된 타자로서의 중국 심상(心像) 연구

This study starts from the prerequisite that it is necessary to expand the literary text in order to understand the perception of the period of the modern public area between 'Korea' and 'Modern' in the 1890-1910s. During this period, many epic literary works with the character of the narratives were appeared in the modern media such as newspapers and magazines. In particular, the intellectuals of this period tried to present their arguments with the spaces and devices called 'modern' and 'medium' while suggested a paradigm to cope with the crisis of the times. Based on this prerequisite, this study has the following two purposes and implications. First, exploring the expansion of China's research area is incorporated into a field of Korean and Chinese modern literature by paying attention to the distinct characteristic of the period such as '1890-1910', 'Korea' 'modern' and to the literary specificity of the image of China in the media and the newspaper. Second, we explore China as projected into the other in narrative literature, and then look closely at the Chinese cognitive system of Korea in the modern order of East Asia. This is the discussion of how the mechanism of 'China' was perceived and operated in the process of communicating with the discourse of 'people', 'modern nation state' and 'civilization flowering'. Specifically, this study examines the image of China as projected into the other in the Korean modern media from 1890 to 1910, 1) Acceptance of civilization flowering and China as the other. 2) China as self-establishment of nation and as the other. and 3) The institutionalization of the establishing the modern nation state and China as the other. First, Acceptance of civilization flowering and China as the other. In modern times, the Joseon Dynasty began to recognize Western civilization as a universal civilization. As a result, the discourse of Western civilization acted as a dominant framework of recognition that excludes the traditional meaning of “Chinese” while dismantled the traditional order of the Joseon Dynasty and transformed the society. Therefore, media such as newspapers and magazines in this period devoted a lot of space to the contents of 'Blooming', 'Boom', 'Civilization' and 'Barbarism' In this process, if the civilized and the blooming countries represented by the United States and Japan were set as positive some, China, other semi-armed states and barbarians were set as negative others. In particular, China functioned as a lesson and a negative image to Korea. Second, it is China as self-establishment of nation and as the other. The most remarkable of the discourses of civilization in this period was the establishment of 'nation' which is the core of the modern country. In particular, self-determination as a 'nation' had led to the expectation of the birth of a new concept of 'modern nation state'. Therefore, it is early days to criticize the reality of the period and to emphasize the self-establishment of nation. However, the image of China and Chinese people projected into the media were negative at that time. Chinese and Chinese performed their role as a lesson to the Joseon Dynasty and were represented as negative the others. It can be said that it used the appropriate mature national consciousness which was suitable for the modern nation and shaped the concrete self-establishment as the nation. Third, it is the institutionalization of the establishing of the modern nation state and China as the other. In general, the core interest of intellectuals in the era of crisis is concentrated on the search for a new social order which is appropriate on the period. And it leads to the proposition of the establishment of a modern nation state. Especially, considering the situation of the Joseon Dynasty in 1890-1910, enlightenment for civilization, blooming, and even the ultimate goal of nation state was essential.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 문명개화 수용 안에서의 타자로서의 중국

Ⅲ. 국민으로의 자기 정립과 타자로서의 중국

Ⅳ. 근대 국민국가 수립의 제도화와 타자로서의 중국

Ⅴ. 나오는 말
