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KCI등재 학술저널

선총원의 문학비평

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In the contemporary Chinese literature history, Congwen Shen is a novelist and prosaist and at the same time, is a literary critic who clearly shows the standard according to his own unique values. In addition to all of these, he is a writer with a considerable influence. His literary creation and criticism is positioning as the unique literary ideas that only he can identify. Shen's literary criticism has been an inspiration to many artists who long for establishing the pure aesthetic theory and principle, under the proposition of soul exploration. We can see that he places great importance on the aesthetic quality in literary criticism. He who tries to pursue pure aesthetics, also shows the decided superiority in the theory of literary criticism. He suggests concepts such as 'harmoniously', 'balancedly', 'properly', etc. in the process of literary criticism. These things are used as a measure in his literary criticism. Shen's aesthetic impression is also his own way of critical notion and quality. His notion of literary criticism is clearly shown in the preface of <Congwen Shen's study collection of novel>. Through it, he shows that literature must be resolute, realistic and plainly simple. Above all, the non-political literature on the basis of personality becomes the reference point of Shen's literary criticism. In this study, this writer analyzed Shen's literary criticism using several measures, based on both the criticism of aesthetic common sense and the criticism in relationship between literature and politics. Also, I intended to study the importance of Shen's literary criticism. The purpose of this study is to make sure of the value of Shen's study & literary criticism and the literature position about him.

Ⅰ. 들어가며

Ⅱ. 선총원의 문학비평

Ⅲ. 나오며
