최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


This paper presents the problems existing in the teaching of a cooperative team composed of Korean and Chinese teachers that is being proceeded by a team consisting of a Korean Chinese language teacher and a Chinese native language teacher who are currently in the process in Korean middle and high schools, and in order to resolve it, based on the research so far on the necessity of the cooperative team lesson consisting of a Korean teacher and a Chinese teacher and on the teaching of the cooperative team consisting of a Korean teacher and a Chinese teacher, and gives a definition of the cooperative lesson made by the Korean and Chinese teachers, and in particular, in this study, it is argued that the team teaching consisting of two korean and Chinese teachers is not the teaching method, and in order to carry out this lesson smoothly, the corresponding teaching method should be based, and by presenting the lesson model consisting of two Korean and Chinese teachers and the concrete application based on the final mission type teaching method, it was intended to solve the existing problems and to help the lesson.

Ⅰ. 绪论

Ⅱ. 韩中协同模式教学理论研究

Ⅲ. 韩中双师协同模式教学探索及设计

Ⅳ. 结语
