최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

언어규칙 활용 의사소통 교수법을 이용한 항공중국어 수업 모형 개발

A Study on Aviation Chinese Models of Instruction using Focus on Form Instruction

  • 23

Since the teaching of aviation chinese is a language used in a special purpose environment called an airplane room, its teaching method and purpose are very different from general Chinese education. The Chinese used in airplane room is mostly Chinese, which is necessary for the safety of the passengers and for providing various kinds of services to passengers. Therefore, we must emphasize communication skills. However, if you emphasize only communication ability, you will not be able to acquire accurate grammar knowledge. In this paper, we propose some teaching models based on the ‘Focus on Form Instruction' to provide students with the ability to improve fluency and grammatical competence at the same time. The ‘Focus on Form Instruction' is based on communicative teaching method and teaches the target language as communication center and conducts instruction on grammar as needed. It is tasks and exercises that we can suggest to utilize this teaching method. The task is a means to improve the grammatical competence of the communication. The exercise is a tool to repeat and deepen the learning contents and to evaluate the learner's knowledge and ability. I presented grouping tasks (role play) and individual tasks(speech), and three types of exercises(Cloze type, Matching type, Mixing type) in this paper. These various types can contribute to cultivate the ability to use language practically in the airplane room, and can cause interest to students who learn aviation chinese.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 글

Ⅱ. 선행연구 및 이론적 배경

Ⅲ. 과제를 이용한 항공중국어 수업 모형

Ⅳ. 연습문제를 이용한 항공중국어 수업 모형

Ⅴ. 나오는 글
