This paper addresses the distributional differences between the two Chinese degree adverbs ‘geng(更)’ and ‘hai(还)’ in the canonical comparative construction: ‘X比Y __P’, where ‘X’ is the entity of comparison, ‘bi(比)Y__P’ is a lexical marker of comparison, ‘Y’ is the standard of comparison, and ‘P’ is a gredable predicate. The position indicated by the underline is where the degree adverb ‘还’ or ‘更’ can appear. In many cases, ‘还’ or ‘更’ can be interchangeable without affecting the intended meaning. However, there are certain cases where ‘还’, instead of ‘更’, is the appropriate adverb to modify the predicate. Seeing this problem of discrepancy between ‘还’ or ‘更’ in distribution, we argue that the use of ‘还’ in the comparative construction ‘X比Y__P’ involves a metaphorical interpretation and a pragmatic presupposition.
Ⅰ. 引言
Ⅱ. ‘比’字句里的副词‘更’与‘还’
Ⅲ. 副词‘还’的语用预设
Ⅳ. 从认知看汉语教学
Ⅴ. 结论