최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한의학 경전의 중언 연구

There are 78 duplicate words in “HuangDiNeiJingLingShu”≪黃帝內經⋅靈樞≫), and among them, 濯濯, 漯漯, 蒼蒼appear three times respectively. 渾渾, 熇熇, 憺憺, 臨臨, 喝喝, 洒洒, 嚮嚮, 䀮䀮, 敦敦, 隨隨, 監監, 廉廉appear two times each. And 冥冥腄腄 淡淡吤吤膨膨惕惕焞焞吸吸貞貞沈沈谷谷淅淅嗇嗇灼灼滄滄溱溱央央輕輕 懦懦亭亭淳淳逢逢漉漉堂堂佗佗遺遺推推栝栝核核肌肌慆慆鮫鮫支支頤頤 婉婉坎坎樞樞兀兀 脫脫嚴嚴延延頰頰紆紆潔潔安安䐜䐜高高湛湛于于小小惧 惧欣欣謙謙黮黮軒軒儲儲委委顒顒愉愉眩眩豆豆紛紛皅皅, all of them are used only once. Duplicate words have the role of predicate as 懦懦監監廉廉輕輕 央央臨臨蒼蒼 吸吸焞焞惕惕喝喝吤吤慆慆肌肌核核 推推 隨隨遺遺佗佗熇熇淳淳亭亭潔潔 紆紆延延嚴嚴脫脫兀兀坎坎敦敦支支頤頤鮫鮫愉愉豆豆䁢䁢婉婉栝栝 委委儲儲紛紛顒顒高高安安瀫瀫沉沉嚮嚮惕惕䀮䀮嗇嗇 樞樞頰頰湛湛于于 謙謙軒軒憺憺腄腄澹澹䐜䐜膨膨渾渾漯漯. Some are adverbial modifiers like 淅淅 憺憺黮黮臨臨濯濯貞貞喝喝洒洒冥冥. There are attributives as 漉漉渾渾小小 熇熇堂堂逢逢. There are objectives such as 欣欣懼懼滄滄灼灼. Still there are verbal complements like 濯濯溱溱. The meaning of duplicate words is basically the ‘ traits of pulse, the ‘symptom of illness’ or the ‘characteristics of body and mind of patients’.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. ≪黃帝內經・靈樞≫의 重言용법

Ⅲ. 맺음말
