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KCI등재 학술저널

현대중국어 ‘자초하다’류 ‘自+X’와 결과성분의 결합 양상 분석

This paper was based on the fact that ‘bring upon oneself’verbs are not unified in ome word, and analyzed combination pattern of ‘Zi+X’ and result argument. For this purpose, we selected three verbs that are mere frequent than ever-qu, tao, zhao, considered semantic association between ‘zi’ and them. we think their ‘acquisition’meaning and direction of force have effect on ‘zi’ and their combination. And based on corpus, examined which word combine with ‘zi+x’, and considered this feature of combination pattern. It can be divided three feature, (1) their combination is literlly, can be called ‘collocation transparency’. (2) neg ative result can divided status resul and event result, ‘ziqu’ tendedncy to combine with event result, ‘zitao’and ‘zizhao’ tendency to combine with status result. (3) ‘zi+x’ and result combination is customary, parallels an idiom. but it has distinct characterristic, is ‘zi+x’ and ‘zi+x+result’ are almost same in meaning. In this structure, ‘result’ does not specific meaning, just combine with verb literlly.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. ‘자초하다’류‘自+X’중 ‘X’의 의미 특징

Ⅲ. ‘X’에 따른 결과 성분의 출현 양상

Ⅳ. ‘자초하다’류‘自+X’와 결과 성분의 의미적 결합 특징

Ⅴ. 맺음말
