This paper studies the process of classifying works of Duiwen对问and Qi七style as a single literary style, and their differentiating between the stylistic characteristics and the Fu赋forms. In the WenxindiaolongㆍZawen, the Duiwen and Qi types of works were classified as a group of works with the use of splendid rhetorical expressions respectively. However, These groups of works also have aspects that are common to both the form and the content with Fu style. The literary classifications were made by the creation of numerous works from the Han漢to the Liuchao六朝, and were promoted by the need for an anthology collection. Although Duiwen and Qi style can be attributed to the large categories of Fu, it is necessary to expand into more specific and detailed research on the unique style of these works in terms of form and content, and the ongoing creative phenomena of these types of works since DongHan東漢.
Ⅰ. 绪论
Ⅱ. “对问”与“七”体文类之形成
Ⅲ. 〈七发〉之文体特性及其与赋体之关系
Ⅳ. 〈答客难〉之文体特性及其与赋体之关系
Ⅴ. 结语