Historically, researchers have regarded Yu Xin's(庾信) Ai J iangnan Fu(哀江南賦) as a mourning work for the death of Liang. On this basis, this paper proposes that the theme of Ai J iangnan Fu(哀江南賦) consists of two parts: mourning the death of Liang is the obvious part, the hidden part is evocation. This has long been a precedent in the Chu-ci(楚辭) . The evocation theme of Yu Xin's (庾信) Ai J iangnan Fu(哀江南賦) has not been paid attention to by most researchers, because the theme of his mourning for the death of Liang is too obvious, thus overshadowing people's thinking and research dimension. The theme of Ai J iangnan Fu(哀江南賦) is not a single theme, but a compound one. Yu Xin's(庾信) Ai J iangnan fu(哀江南賦),Jiang Yan’s (江淹) Ai Qianli Fu (哀千里 賦)、Sheng Jiong’s (沈炯) Hun Gui Fu(魂歸賦)、Yan Zhitui’s (顔之推) Guan Woshen Fu (觀我生賦) constitute a text system. All of them are closely related to Chuci-zhaohun (楚辭·招魂) , and form a phenomenon of intertextuality resonance. Therefore, in the textual interpretation of them, each single text should be put under the system to be examined. Only in this way we cannot stray too far from the subject.
Ⅰ. 緒論
Ⅱ. 〈招魂〉之“哀江南”一詞的歷史解讀
Ⅲ. 〈哀江南賦〉之“哀江南”與江南文化之統緒
Ⅳ. 〈魂歸賦〉與招魂祭、招魂葬風俗信仰之關係
Ⅴ. 〈哀千里賦〉、〈觀我生賦〉中歸魂與安魂之問題
Ⅵ. 〈哀江南賦〉之“哀江南”與“魂兮歸來”之關係
Ⅶ. 餘論:互文共振現象的文學解讀法