영상도식과 그릇도식을 통한 한ž중 차등 비교문에서의 비교결과 분석
An analysis of comparison results between differential comparative sentences in Korean and Chinese through Image Schema and Container Schema: focusing on various expressions in Korean equivalent to '大' in Chinese
It is natural that there are different aspects in language use due to cultural and environmental differences between Korea and China. Among the linguistic phenomena in which these differences appear, this study could often find that the expressions of Korean and Chinese appear differently in the comparison results of the comparative sentences in the Korean and Chinese modern novel texts. Among them, it was found that the expression of Korean corresponding to Chinese '大(Dae)' appears in various ways other than basic 'big'. Based on Langacker's model of network, the various expressions of Korean equivalent to the Chinese '大(Dae)', this study is going to first examine the meaning scope in the 'parallel relation' based on a theory, prototype, viewing ‘big’ in Korean as ‘大’ corresponding to Chinese 'Dae', and examine in depth how the various meanings of Korean are systematically related to Chinese 'Dae' through image and container schematics.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 한·중 차등비교문의 비교결과 표현 대비 분석
Ⅲ. 결론